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Solid visuals and music.

The variety of tasks to do is good, but I feel some of them could have their interactions tweaked to improve the player's ability to interact as well as understand the interaction. Namely, I really wish I could just click once on the ladle in the pot and still move the ladle while my mouse is outside of the pot (having to re-click when I just clip outside the pot is quite frustrating). Also, I think one should be able to click anywhere on the game while I'm doing the ingredient smashing mini-game so long as I'm near it (if I click a bit off, my clicks stop being registered for it).

Additionally, I might just be really bad at it, but I feel like the pot stirring mini-game does not add enough quality % for the length of time it requires. I got shaking potions and stealing the skull's soul back-to-back about four times in a row and quickly shot past the needed % then had to stir the pot and didn't accomplish as much in that amount of time.

I like that you were able to, seemingly, randomize both the level mini-games and the potion names. Props for that. I know it probably wasn't easy making this in the span of 2 weeks so good job! (Even though there's a lot to my critique, it's still impressive that you got a game out in two weeks that is competent and has zero, to my knowledge, bugs.)