Goyle the Globin and the Ethically Questionable Potion Brewer puts players in control of Goyle the Globlin. Goyle is a summoned minion of an ethically questionable potion brewer who brews and delivers nefarious potions on request. In order to evade the law, the potion brewer does not brew the potions himself and makes them for just in time delivery. Sort of like UberEats, but if the UberEats driver made the food while driving to your house. And it was ethically questionable food.  

The goal is to deliver as many potions as possible, deal with escalating difficulty and hazards the game presents. On failing to deliver a potion of adequate quality, the potion brewer will dispose of the Globlin and summon another (your next play through!).


Walk up to a station (with WASD/Arrow Keys) then use your mouse to interact with it. 

  • Bottles (shake)
  • Cauldron (stir)
  • Skull (click)
  • Mortar & pestle (smash)

Third Party Assets Used

Design Document


Created for Pirate Software - Game Jam 15 by Aereya, ALP_Squid, DrDebonair, Hawk of the Worgen Cub Clubbing Club - https://wccc-guild.com


Design Document
GloyleTheGoblin_WebDownload.zip 11 MB


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Solid visuals and music.

The variety of tasks to do is good, but I feel some of them could have their interactions tweaked to improve the player's ability to interact as well as understand the interaction. Namely, I really wish I could just click once on the ladle in the pot and still move the ladle while my mouse is outside of the pot (having to re-click when I just clip outside the pot is quite frustrating). Also, I think one should be able to click anywhere on the game while I'm doing the ingredient smashing mini-game so long as I'm near it (if I click a bit off, my clicks stop being registered for it).

Additionally, I might just be really bad at it, but I feel like the pot stirring mini-game does not add enough quality % for the length of time it requires. I got shaking potions and stealing the skull's soul back-to-back about four times in a row and quickly shot past the needed % then had to stir the pot and didn't accomplish as much in that amount of time.

I like that you were able to, seemingly, randomize both the level mini-games and the potion names. Props for that. I know it probably wasn't easy making this in the span of 2 weeks so good job! (Even though there's a lot to my critique, it's still impressive that you got a game out in two weeks that is competent and has zero, to my knowledge, bugs.)